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Coolmine TC Therapeutic Community

(A company limited by guarantee, without a share capital)
for the year ended 31 December 2023

The directors present their report and the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023.

The Company is limited by guarantee not having a share capital. The company is a registered charity and hence the report and results are presented in a form which complies with the requirements of the Companies Act 2014 and, although not obliged to comply with the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP). The organisation has implemented its’ recommendations where relevant in these financial statements.

There has been no significant change in these activities during the year ended 31 December 2023.

Financial Results

The surplus for the year after providing for depreciation amounted to €336,973 (2022: €220,788).
At the end of the year, the company has assets of €4,999,203 (2022: €4,486,945) and liabilities of €2,491,534 (2022: €2,316,249).

Although the accounts show a surplus of €336,973 there is a deficit of €215,930 from an operational perspective. The Surplus arises due to two issues. 1) The recording of the Mediolanum Collective funding of €465,000 less expenditure against this funding of €26,925 (Net surplus €438,075 -Now reflected in Designated Reserves) and 2) The recording of Capital Grant income to reserves of €114,827 in 2023.

Directors and Secretary

The directors who served throughout the year, except as noted, were as follows:

Dick Brady
Billy Carr
Carthage Conlon
Alan Connolly (Chairperson)
Emma Farrell
James McKeon
Mary Galvin
Sarah Morton
Tony Quilty
John O’Sullivan
Paul Ledwidge
Anthony Flynn (appointed September 2023)
Finbarr Murphy (appointed September 2023)
John Gleeson (appointed March 2024)

The secretary who served throughout the year was Carthage Conlon.

Objectives and activities

Coolmine TC believes that everyone should have the opportunity to overcome addiction and lead a fulfilled and productive life.

Coolmine TC is a national drug and alcohol treatment centre providing a range of high quality residential and non-residential services to men and women with problematic substance use and to their families in Republic of Ireland.

Coolmine TC was established in 1973 and remains grounded within the philosophies of the Therapeutic Community (TC) approach to addiction treatment. During 2023 we celebrated our fiftieth-year anniversary of providing addiction treatment and recovery services to marginalised individuals and families across Irish society.

During 2023 we grew and consolidated our service provision across 14 premises in the East (6), Mid-West (2) and South-West (6) regions of Republic of Ireland. We work with marginalised pregnant women, women with young children, Traveller community members, homeless people, prisoners and community probation clients, clients who have experienced trauma and those with complex medical needs (presenting mental and physical health). A common feature of Coolmine TC clients is a history of intergenerational addiction. The Coolmine TC Parents under Pressure (PUP) 2014 Study found that four out of five of our clients grew up in households where either one or both parents had acute addiction.

In 2023 we saw homeless and addiction treatment figures continue to rise across society. As addiction increases it is vital that quality support services are available. Responding to this Coolmine TC offers highly structured community and residential rehabilitation programmes.

Our services are provided on a continuum of care recovery model and range from outreach, assessment, pre-entry supports, stabilisation programmes, primary treatment, integration, aftercare, and recovery support services. This includes the only residential Therapeutic Community services in Republic of Ireland. Coolmine TC is committed to a vision of recovery which strives for an enhanced quality of life rather than mere abstinence from drugs and alcohol. Through service provision embedded in a continuum of care, we support clients to stabilise, detoxify and remain drug and alcohol free. Furthermore, we are committed to assisting them to improve their quality of life, enhance family and interpersonal relationships, progression of health, housing, educational, training and employment outcomes.

MacDara O'Shea

Author MacDara O'Shea

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