Coolmine, in conjunction with Cork Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force and Southern Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force, is developing multiple community-based hubs to deliver frontline treatment interventions in the Cork and Kerry region. These hubs will be located in Kerry, Cork City North, Cork City South, North Cork, West Cork and East Cork.
Our first of six Southwest Hubs is based in The Glen in Cork City, providing localised support for those impacted by problematic substance use and provide the opportunity to lead a fulfilled and productive life. The other hubs are at various stages of development.
Our Southwest hubs provide a range of evidence-based practices to support clients including Harm Reduction, Case Management and Parenting under Pressure (PUP). While the teams will each operate from a central hub in their region, staff will respond to needs within the community on an assertive outreach basis to ensure that those who require the service will have the option of engaging.
This service operates from inter-agency approach to enhance outcomes for clients impacted by problematic use in the Southwest area.
SAOR Screening and Brief Interventions Project Worker
This position is the first of its kind in Ireland, a new initiative that sees referrals from Cork district court being redirected from the criminal system to the health system. The process involves first time drug offenders being directed to me, to be screened and assessed and then referred to specialist health services where required. In addition to this, a pathway has been created with liaison psychiatry whereby, patients identified as having substance misuse issues, are referred to be to be assessed and subsequently referred to community-based projects as part of their discharge care plan.
086 0277474
Under 18 Counsellor
Our under 18 counsellor specialises in substance misuse/dependence.
Counselling support is also available to under 18’s who are affected by parental or familial substance use/dependence.

- Lisa Sheehan – City North Hub
- 085 133 5714
- Declan O’Riordan – City South Hub
- 086 108 1530
- Ailish McDonald – East Cork Hub
- 086 031 8286
- Brian Duncan – West Cork Hub
- 086 083 6260
- Aoife Stack – North Cork Hub
- 086 083 2348
- Gemma Hilario – Kerry Hub
- 086 066 7965